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Nickname: | | The Future
Age: | | 22
Position: | | DJ & Emcee
Most Memorable Event: | | Every event I do is special and unique. But, the event that meant the most to me, in terms of my personal development as an independent professional in the entertainment industry, was the first school dance I DJay'd by myself. Everything that could have gone wrong, did. And yet it was still an amazing party. It was a character building moment and it forced me to trust myself and my decisions on my first stance of independence.
Favourite Music Genre: | | I listen to everything. To say I have ONE favourite genre of music would be a disrespectful claim towards the hundreds of other musical genres that have inspired and uplifted me at various points in my life. Everyday I'm hopeful that I'll be shown a new group, artist or style of music that could be welcomed into my ever evolving repertoire of musical loves.
Favourite Song: | | Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
Favourite Quote: | | Again, as a lover of words and a diligent studier of phonology, there have been too many quotes and passages from influential people I admire to pick just ONE favourite quote. But for the sake of this site, i'll divulge one quote that has been of particular interest and amusement to me as of recent: "Don't tell me about the labour, just show me the baby."
Words That Describe You: | | : Real. Inspired. Worldly. Passionate. Entertaining. Boisterous. Admirable. Funny. Witty. Conscious. Humble. Caring. Courteous. Patient. When we meet i'll give you the rest. Thanks for reading.